187 P.I.

Investigating The Unknown
Email: 187pi@187pi.com


Contacting Us

We welcome and invite you to contact us if you have any questions or would like us to review your paranormal experience case for a possible investigation by us. Currently the best way to contact us is by email at 187pi@187pi.com We try to answer all emails in a timely manner. You should expect to receive a response within 24 to 48 hours. You may also reach us by phone at (317) 966-9186

Becoming a Fan Club Member of 187 P.I.

Become a Fan Club Member of 187 P.I. and enjoy some exciting and exclusive benefits that are only available to our subscribed Fan Club Members!!

Annual Fan Club Membership is only $59.99 and includes the following benefits:

Click Subscribe to become a Fan Club Member

Terms and conditions:
By becoming a paid subscribed Fan Club member you are stating that you have read and agree and are bound to the terms and conditions listed on this page.
Please keep in mind, all sales are final. There are no refunds of any kind for any reason.
187 P.I. BBQ location, date and time will be announced in the spring and will be held during a summer month. You will receive 1 free admittance to the 187 P.I. annual BBQ.
Your free 187 P.I. autographed photo will be made out to the person named on the payment receipt and will be of one of the 187 P.I. team members.
Autographed photos are shipped to recipients on a quarterly shipping schedule. You will be emailed when your free items ship.
Fan Club Memberships are billed annually at $59.99 you may cancel your membership at anytime by sending us an email to 187pi@187pi.com with the words "CANCEL MEMBERSHIP" in the subject line within at least 1 week before your next annual renewal date and we will cancel your membership. We will not issue any refunds if you do not cancel your membership before your renewal date.